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Pet application form

We need to check a few things first

Waggy tails and furry paws make a house a home, and we love for our residents to bring their four-legged members with them. But before you can have a pet reside in your home, you must obtain permission from Ascend Living.

To do this, please complete this form and then our team will review the details and confirm the outcome of your application.

What pets live with you now?

Pet 1:

Pet 2:

Pet 3:

What new pet(s) are you requesting?

Pet 1:

Pet 2:

Pet 3:

Support pet


  • I will not mistreat the pet;
  • I will ensure the pet has appropriate access to health care;
  • I am fully responsible for the behaviour of the pet
  • Any nuisance caused by the pet will be treated as a breach of my tenancy/ lease;
  • I will find the pet another suitable home if it does cause a nuisance to other people that live near me;
  • I will not make any alterations to my home to accommodate a pet without gaining prior permission from Ascend Living. This includes installing a cat/dog flap in the front door of a flat.
  • I understand and adhere to Ascend Living's pet policy.

Want to ask us something?

You can find answers to frequent questions on our FAQs page. If that doesn’t cover what you were after, send us a message or give us a call and our team will be happy to help.

Speak to us

Our office hours:

Monday-Thursday 8:45am-5:30pm
Friday 8:45am-4pm
Saturday-Sunday Closed

Excluding bank holidays in England and Wales

Contact us

By submitting this enquiry, you acknowledge that your details will be processed accordingly in order to answer your query. View our Privacy Policy.

This is renting

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