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Quick answers to common questions

Our homes

What type of homes do you have? Are the homes furnished?

Applying for your new home

How do I apply for a home? If I apply now, how long does the process take? Do I need references and how long will this process take?

Moving in

What happens on moving day? Who notifies all of the utilities? Who looks after the garden?

Rent & deposit

How do I pay my rent every month? I have bad credit, can I still apply for one of your homes? What happens to my deposit?

Maintenance & repairs

Who pays for maintenance & repairs? How do I report maintenance issues?

Moving out

I am moving out of my Ascend Living home, what happens now? How do I hand my keys back? What do I do with the utilities?

Still got questions?

Send us a message or give us a call and our team can take it from here.

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Monday-Thursday 8:45am-5:30pm
Friday 8:45am-4pm
Saturday-Sunday Closed

Excluding bank holidays in England and Wales

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